Learning Knows No Age

Learning Knows No Age

Learn More About Cosmetology To See If This Career Is Right For You

Evelyn West

If you have an interest in personal care and hygiene, are looking for a new career, and like working with people, then a cosmetology program may be right for you. In the end, this can be a great career move for you that gives you lots of flexibility and helps you become the best professional you can be.

Learn what a cosmetologist is, what a cosmetology program entails, how long it takes, and what your educational costs are to help you get started. The more information you have about this type of program, the more confident you can feel about choosing this type of career for yourself.

What is a cosmetologist?

A cosmetologist is a professional who not only does makeup, but also performs other treatments for their clients to make their hair, skin, and nails look their best. Depending on what they're trained in, a cosmetologist can do mainly hair, nails, or skin treatments, or be a specialist in a variety of cosmetology roles. When going into a cosmetology program, a student can decide what they want their main training to focus on and can go to further schooling in another area of cosmetology as they see fit.

What a cosmetology program entails

When you get into a cosmetology program, you will first learn the basics of hygiene and tools care and handling. You will then learn how to do certain cosmetic procedures on dummies. You can then begin practicing on real people to get your hands-on experience in. All your training will be done under the direct supervision of a trained professional so you can be guided every step of the way.

How long the program is and how much it costs

Each cosmetology program's length and cost will vary because every state has its own laws regarding how many hours a cosmetologist student must have in practice before they can be licensed. Expect cosmetology school to take as much time and dedication as a two-year college degree. Costs vary for the program, so you should speak to a cosmetology career program specialist about tuition and any grants or financial aid you can get to determine what your final cosmetology program costs will be.

When you begin a cosmetology program, you must complete it in order to become a licensed professional. You may have to intern with a salon before getting the certification you have trained for, and this experience might help you land a job in the future.


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Learning Knows No Age

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